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Supporting String of Pearls

A congregation cannot meet its many obligations on membership dues alone. If you value Shabbat and High Holiday services, festival celebrations, social action projects, the availability of a rabbi for the most meaningful times in your life, Jewish learning, and a community that welcomes and nurtures, please give as generously as you can to help String of Pearls thrive.


You can give an unrestricted gift to the General Fund or support one of the programs that means the most to you.  If you pay by check, please make your check payable to String of Pearls and include the two-character code for the fund of your choice, indicate if your gift is given in someone's memory or in honor of a significant event in someone's life, and mail your tax-deductible donation to: 

String of Pearls
601 Ewing Street
Suite A11
Princeton, NJ 08540

GF General Fund
HH High Holidays 
RD Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund 
SA Social Action Fund 
TE Torah & Education Fund 

Contact Us

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 3332

Princeton, NJ 08543

© Copyright 2021 by

String of Pearls Congregation

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